City And Suburb: Are The Concepts Changing?

A recent article published by Urban Land Magazine takes a look at how the concepts of cities and suburbs have changed over time.

Taking a look at 1960’s America meant suburbs were booming and families often settled down for a lifetime in one house. Fast forward to today, and we have reached ‘The Great Reset’ or what Richard Florida further defines as the structural change that follows a crisis.

In this case, it’s a generational effect and one of the biggest changes is the resurrection of the city.

Richard Florida posits that the revival of the city is intimately related to the rise of the creative economy. The city is becoming an oasis of cultural, recreational, and social amenities that serve as the pull for younger generations to set down roots in the city centre.

And how is this affecting the suburbs?

Florida states that the categories of urban and suburban are becoming outmoded. Suburbs need to be re-imagined on a more human scale, with walkable, mixed-use places and spaces available for all.

So whether you’re a city dweller or devout suburbanite, are you noticing these changes? Can these same trends be seen in and around our Vancouver neighbourhood?

We definitely think it’s a concept that warrants further discussion.
